• Gossip Girl

    You know you love... XOXO, Gossip Girl.


    Les étudiants privilégiés des écoles privées du Nord-Est du quartier de Manhattan à New York Constance Billard pour les filles et St Jude pour les garçons, sont tous accros au blog de « Gossip Girl » sur lequel sont dévoilés tous les derniers potins sur leur communauté très fermée. Un cercle en particulier est visé par Gossip Girl, la blogueuse mystérieuse, celui de Serena Van der Woodsen et de son entourage. La série débute par l'arrivée de Serena Van Der Woodsen qui revient à Manhattan d'une soi-disant pension, retrouvant ainsi sa meilleure amie, Blair Waldorf. Celle-ci est toute aussi étonnée mais surtout déçue que Serena ne lui ait jamais donné de nouvelles. Tout le monde est très étonné de revoir Serena comme par exemple "le Garçon Solitaire" soit Dan Humphrey ou encore Nate. « Gossip Girl » va alors s'intéresser au quotidien de cette jeunesse dorée parmi laquelle on retrouve Nate Archibald, le petit-ami de Blair, Eric, le frère de Serena, Chuck Bass, le meilleur ami de Nate, ou encore Dan Humphrey et sa sœur Jenny qui, eux, viennent d'un milieu plus modeste, ce qui ne manque pas d'alimenter de nombreuses conversations. En effet il semble impossible qu'un jeune homme d'un milieu modeste « sorte » avec Serena. Bien sûr, ils sont entourés par des adultes, de la mère de Serena, Lily, au très puissant père de Nate, Howard Archibald, en passant par le père de Dan et Jenny, Rufus Humphrey, une ancienne star de pop rock reconvertie en propriétaire d'une galerie d'art. N'oublions pas non plus le père de Chuck Bass, Bart Bass qui est marié avec la mère de Serena. Ajoutons également Eleanor Waldorf, la célèbre créatrice de vêtements, la mère de Blair.

    The first episodes of the first season included the original concept from the books, mainly following the lives of the five wealthy and privileged teenage characters in their high school years. Serena van der Woodsen is often described as the "it girl". It is revealed that she has had a scandalous past that continues to haunt her, she is known for her many on-again, off-again relationships with countless male characters and is also known for rebellious drive outs. Dan Humphrey is an outsider who becomes a part of the turbulent Manhattan scene, an aspiring writer and fairly straight-arrow guy with a good heart and morals. Blair Waldorf is the beautiful Queen Bee of Constance Billard School's social scene, as well as Serena's best friend and occasional rival. Nate Archibald is the perfect "Golden Boy" of the Upper East Side, always being fought over by the prominent female characters. Chuck Bass serves as the show's antihero, being a womanizer and party lover with a troubled life and past that provide a hidden vulnerable side. Besides the five regulars cast members mentioned above, three more characters appeared in the pilot episode. Jenny Humphrey is Dan's younger sister, who desperately tries to become the next Queen Bee, a goal that eventually makes her realize the true values of life; Lily Van Der Woodsen (Serena's mother); and Dan and Jenny's father Rufus Humphrey. They share a romantic past that follows them throughout the show, and eventually leads to their marriage. The Humphrey family is centered upon as they explore life on the 'Upper East side', Dan trying to look after his little sister as she discovers the party scene. Vanessa Abrams, enters the show in its first season as Dan's past love, and becomes a series regular after the 14th episode. Other characters include Eric van der Woodsen  Serena's kind and compassionate brother, who comes out late in the first season and becomes very close with Jenny. Georgina Sparks is an occasional antagonist in the show, with a recurring role. Carter Baizen  appears as Chuck's enemy with a romantic interest in Serena.


    Gossip Girl  

    Serena Van Der Woodsen

    Serena van der Woodsen est la fille de Lilian Van Der Woodsen (Lily), une riche héritière membre de la haute société new-yorkaise, et de William van der Woodsen, un célèbre médecin devenu milliardaire. Ses parents sont divorcés. Son père n'apparaitra qu'à partir de la saison 3. Elle ne le connaît pas. Elle a aussi un frère plus jeune qu'elle, Eric (14 ans lors de la saison 1). Elle réside au New York Palace Hotel avec sa famille en attendant la fin des travaux de l'hôtel particulier, qui se situe sur la cinquième avenue. La série révèle un personnage plutôt contrasté. Elle est quelqu'un d'altruiste, il est d'ailleurs fréquent qu'elle se mette en quatre pour résoudre les problèmes des autres, mais elle a une soif de célébrité qui la pousse parfois à écraser les autres pour se mettre en avant. A la fin de la saison 1 et au début de la saison 2, cela mènera à un conflit entre elle et Blair. Dans la série télévisée, Serena est une fille légère en apparence. Elle est régulièrement rattrapée par ses démons, notamment lorsque son passé sulfureux refait surface avec la réapparition d'une ancienne amie, Georgina. Depuis son retour à New-York Serena semble assagie.

     Serena van der Woodsen is the it girl of the Upper East Side and best friend of Blair Waldorf. Recently returned from a Connecticut boarding school for reasons unknown to her friends, as was her departure from Manhattan a year prior to the show's beginning. Serena van der Woodsen comes across as down-to-earth for someone from the UES, but things, relationships (Dan, Nate) and opportunities (fashion shoots) seemed to be handed to her on a silver platter. Serena's past as the partying and whoring 'it girl' causes her to leave Manhattan for mysterious reasons. Even more mysterious, she abruptly returns to the high society world of Manhattan. During the first season, she deals with a spiteful Blair, her incident with Nate and a new relationship with Dan. Her relationship with Dan first faces the return of his best friend, Vanessa's and her gradual warming up to her, Dan's acceptance of herself and the high society world she lives in. Their relationship ends during her mother's wedding to Bart Bass due to her frenemy Georgina making life horrible for her and her friends. The second season has Dan and Serena renewing their relationship but facing the reality that they could never be together, Dan's incident with a new girl and a scandal with a teacher, their residual feelings for each other and the discovery of their parents' love child. This season also sees Serena's mother, Lily, adopting Chuck Bass, thus making the two of them step-siblings. Serena leaves Manhattan during the summer and returns in the third season a local celebrity. She was with Nate but wanted decided to breakup with him. Serena went to Paris with her best friend Blair, trying to figure out if she wants to be with Nate or Dan. When she got back they both were with other people. Serena decides to go to Columbia. As her year as a freshmen in Columbia went, she constantly had to deal with many situations; a classmate named Juliet Sharp, plotting a lot of devious schemes to ruin her life with many reasons involving her family, her mother's secret forged signature on an affidavit sending her english professor to prison for 3 years so that Serena can admit back into Constance with cleared clean records, her younger brother, Eric, having lonely depression again, her estranged cousin, Charlie, who is a con named Ivy, hired by Carol Rhodes herself to scam out Lily's checks for money while Ivy "Charlie" started to fell for Dan, then went terribly suicidal from not taking her daily medication.


    Gossip Girl

    Blair Waldorf

    Blair est une perfectionniste, souvent obstinée ou même obsédée. Elle se décrit elle-même comme la perfection incarnée et jouit d'une excellente réputation auprès des parents de ses amis et de ses professeurs. Même si ses amis la décrivent parfois comme une fille trop sage. Elle est très ordonnée et sa vie tourne autour de son obsession d'entrer à Yale et de se marier avec Nate. Souvent elle s'imagine le scénario de sa vie future : elle raconte, même à sa domestique Dorota, que le pull qui lui va le mieux est celui au couleur de Yale, qu'elle a hâte de porter la bague Cornelius Vanderbilt de la mère de Nate. Toutefois elle est mainte-fois assaillie par des doutes. Elle peut être aussi manipulatrice, très désagréable et méprisante. Elle était boulimique plus jeune, mais semble avoir réussi à combattre ce problème.Elle vit seule avec sa mère Eleanor Waldorf qui travaille comme styliste. Tout comme Blair, elle est perfectionniste, très pointilleuse et autoritaire. Elle n'arrive que très rarement à exprimer ce qu'elle ressent pour sa fille et souvent elles entretiennent des relations très froides l'une et l'autre, sans pour autant qu'il y ait du manque de respect.

    Blair Cornelia Waldorf is the queen bee of the social scene of Manhattan and Constance Billard High School. An only child, she is introduced as the daughter of a divorced fashion designer mother and a homosexual father and the longtime girlfriend of Nate Archibald although she also fell for and is dating Nate's best friend Chuck Bass. Blair is often portrayed as haughty, shallow, intelligent, and scheming. Despite her uptight, frivolous nature, she "works for everything she's ever gotten", in contrast to Serena, and despite her snobbish ways, she is a good friend and constantly looks out for those she cares about. Blair faces her crumbling relationship with Nate and a new relationship with Chuck in the first season and her return to power as Queen Bee after a power struggle with Jenny Humphrey. Chuck leaves her alone in the summer that gives her time to return in a short relationship with a British noble during the second season. Her relationship with Chuck changes as he tries to win her back and she tries to own up to her own feelings towards him, Blair becomes tired of the high school pettiness until the her admission to Yale is compromised. The loss of Yale places destabilizes her life plan, and she resumes her relationship with Nate in the hope of getting back on track, only to realize that he was only meant to be her "high school boyfriend". By the end of the second season, Blair and Chuck embarked on a relationship, continuing on into season three and dissolving into chaos at its end. Season four sees Blair trying to juggle her feelings for Chuck, Dan, her aspirations to be a successful woman and the opportunities offered her by Prince Louis, whose love will mean she has to give up on Chuck.

    Gossip Girl

    Dan Humphrey

    Dans la série, Dan serait né le 26 avril 1990 (En observant très attentivement à un moment de l'épisode 1 de la saison 4, on peut le voir écrit sur un certificat). Dans la série Dan reste à peu près le même, sur certains points surtout : il adore lire et plus généralement la littérature, il est solitaire et assez peu populaire. Il est cependant beaucoup moins asocial et pessimiste dans la série, il est plus séduisant en comparaison de la description faite dans le livre, ne fume pas et n'est pas caféinomane. Il est aussi plus sûr de lui et n'hésite pas à se battre surtout avec Chuck Bass, lorsque celui-ci tente d'approcher sa jeune sœur, Jenny. Il est amoureux de Serena depuis longtemps et réussit à sortir avec elle dans la saison 1 puis 2 fois dans la saison 2 mais la quittera pour son professeur miss Carr. Son rêve est d'intégrer Dartmouth College puis Yale. Dans la saison 3, il sortira avec une actrice connue : Olivia Burke, Georgina Sparks puis avec sa meilleure amie Vanessa Abrams.

     Daniel "Dan" Humphrey is the son of a rock musician turned art gallery owner, Rufus Humphrey, and absentee mother Allison Humphrey, and he is the elder brother of Jenny Humphrey. He first meets Serena van der Woodsen at a party where she seemed to be the only person who spoke to Dan when she greeted him. Smitten with Serena, he finds himself immersed in her moon-eyed world when he is made to attend St. Jude's at his father's bidding. Dan is an aspiring writer who dedicates his first poem to Serena and later becomes an assistant to a popular writer. He initially dreamed of attending college at Dartmouth but decided to pursue Yale, believing it to have the better English faculty. His recent break up with Serena eventually changes his luck with women, but he still has feelings for her, which leads to Serena breaking up with Aaron and the two renewing their relationship—until news of a love child between their parents makes the road quite rocky for them. He then becomes involved in a scandal with a teacher named Rachel Carr, and the scandal leads to the two ending their relationship for the final time. He now attends NYU after losing his money to a scheme involving Poppy Lifton and Serena's new love interest, Gabriel Edwards. With Rufus and Lily's relationship now turning to marriage, Dan has adapted to his family's new wealthy lifestyle. Dan has becomes a well-known face amongst the freshman in NYU—unlike Blair who becomes a social pariah—and starts dating Olivia Burke, a Hollywood actress. The two break up when Olivia sees that Dan and Vanessa have feelings for each other. In season four Dan begins to spend time with Blair, who he becomes close friends with and pines over, though right now she states that she has no romantic feelings for him and is engaged to a prince.


    Gossip Girl

    Nate Archibald

    Vivant dans l'Upper East Side, Nate est le fils du Capitaine Archibald, riche et influent...surtout sur son fils unique. Le père tente pas tous les moyens de convaincre son fils de s'inscrire à Dartmouth College après la graduation. Ce qui causera de nombreux conflits entre les deux. Plus tard, quand Nate découvre le problème de drogue de son paternel, il fera tout pour le sauver. Côté amis, Nate peut compter sur Chuck Bass, un jeune homme millionnaire coureur de jupon, meilleur ami de longue date. Il se fera, cependant, trahir par celui-ci et se sera la fin d'une amitié...pour l'heure du moins. Au cours des saisons, Nate nouera également une amitié avec Dan Humphrey. Son cœur appartient à Blair Waldorf, étudiante à Constance Billard, depuis toujours. Le retour d'une certaine blonde, par contre pourrait le troubler. Serena Van Der Woodsen, avec qui il a eu une aventure, un soir. Serena est aussi la meilleure amie de Blair, ce qui empêche Nate de se laisser aller à ses émotions et de choisir celle qu'il aime vraiment. Après une rupture douloureuse avec Blair, Nate a la liberté qu'il souhaitait...il revient vers Blair finalement. Il resteront ensemble seulement le temps de s'entre-déchirer un peu plus. Le couple semble enterré pour de bon et Nate jete son dévolu sur Vanessa Abrams, meilleure amie de Dan Humphrey. Leurs différents milieux, Nate de l'Upper East Side et Vanessa,Brooklyn, auront raison d'eux à la fin. Nate finit la saison célibataire mais avec des projets d'été en compagnie de Serena.

    Nathaniel "Nate" Archibald is torn between Serena and Blair – both of whom he has romantic histories with, the so-called golden boy also frequently finds himself making life decisions. His closest friend is Chuck Bass. After his relationship with Blair ultimately falls apart, he has a fling with Vanessa Abrams. When his father must flee New York to escape the FBI, Nate enters a relationship with an older married woman, Duchess Catherine Mason Beaton. The relationship turns into an arrangement of sex for money when the Archibalds' accounts become frozen. His frozen accounts result in him temporarily moving in with the Humphreys. He briefly has a crush on Jenny, but it never turned out to be anything serious. In the second season, he pursues a relationship with Vanessa but when Nate gets in touch with his Grandfather again, their relationship declines and he breaks up with Vanessa because of Blair in the end. They eventually break up and he goes on a trip to Europe for the summer. He returns in the third season in a Romeo and Juliet relationship with Bree Buckley but ends up being used for Bree to get her revenge on Carter Baizen, thus ending their relationship during Lily and Rufus' wedding.

    Gossip Girl

    Jenny Humphrey

    Petite soeur de Dan Humphrey. Au début de la série elle est une jeune fille gentille et très influençable. Elle rêve de devenir aussi populaire que Blair quitte à se transformer de plus en plus en personne détestable. Elle se fera manipuler par plusieurs personnages de la série étant donné son caractère assez soumis. Cependant au fil du temps elle va se transformer pour devenir très sûre d'elle, populaire. Afin d'arriver à ses buts elle n'hésitera pas à utiliser des méthodes et actions peu honnêtes. Le rêve de Jenny est de devenir designer, rêve qui payera par la suite. Elle a, comme pas mal de personnage féminin dans la série, un coup de coeur pour Nate Archibald.

    Jennifer Tallulah "Jenny" Humphrey is introduced as a freshman at Constance Billiard with a desire to carve her own place in the in-crowd, Jenny is impressionable and quickly becomes the pawn of several characters. She, amongst other girls, harbors a crush for Nate Archibald. She also has a tight-knit relationship with her brother, Dan, which proves handy as she finds herself in frequent need of help due to her bad judgment. Jenny dreams of becoming a designer, her efforts eventually pay off after receiving a letter of internship at Eleanor Waldorf's studio. When Jenny begins to feel that Eleanor is exploiting her talent, she teams up with a bad girl model Agnes to jump-start her own line, J Humphrey Designs, to disastrous consequences. She returns to Constance and slowly transitions to become her own person. By the end of the second season, she is crowned the new Queen Bee. In the third season, Jenny's position as queen begins eroding her friendship with Eric and her own personality. She then hooks up with a drug dealer and tried to lose her virginity with him, but stopped just in time. At the end of season three she ends up losing her virginity to Chuck. She was then shipped off to live with her mother. The following season, Jenny returns to Manhattan only to be once again foiled by Blair and Chuck. She retaliates by revealing the secret of her intimate relationship with Chuck. Her next arrival involves a scheme with Juliet and Vanessa to takedown Serena. As the plot gets out of hand, she is alienated by her family after Vanessa reveals that Jenny was behind the scheme initially. Fearing another encounter by Blair, she gives Blair useful information about Juliet's true intention and she and Vanessa's involvement. She leaves for Hudson to avoid further drama.

    Gossip Girl

    Chuck Bass

    Charles "Chuck" Bass est né le 19 janvier 19911. Il est le fils unique de Bart Bass et son meilleur ami est Nate Archibald. Chuck tombera amoureux de Blair Waldorf, l'ex petite amie de Nate. Lily Van Der Woodsen devient sa belle-mère en épousant Bart, puis sa tutrice à la mort de ce dernier (pour éviter que son oncle Jack, le frère de Bart, devienne l'héritier de Bass Industries). Sa mère est morte en le mettant au monde (c'est la version que Bart lui a toujours donnée, la vérité est dans la saison 3) mais en prison Chuck dira à Dan Humphrey qu'elle est morte dans un crash d'avion quand il avait 6 ans. Serena Van Der Woodsen deviendra sa demie-sœur en raison du mariage de Lily Van Der Woodsen et de Bart. Chuck Bass est en quelque sorte l'antihéros, le personnage au comportement le plus abject et le plus détestable. Il est arrogant, prétentieux, très égocentrique, manipulateur, colérique et pervers. Le comportement souvent malsain de ce personnage est parfois représentatif des réflexions que ses amis ou son entourage lui font. Mais au fil des épisodes, on se rend clairement compte qu'il est beaucoup plus complexe et humain qu'il ne veut le faire croire. A la mort de son père Chuck veut prouver à son entourage qu'il est capable de réussir, il abandonne ses études et achète un hôtel (Empire Hotel, Upper West Side) avec le soutien de Blair. Chuck est le plus jeune milliardaire de New York, il a tout investi dans l'Hôtel, ce qui attisera la jalousie de son oncle Jack. Dans la saison 4 après avoir frôlé la mort à Prague, il est revenu changé, il fait preuve de plus de morale bien qu'il se livre avec Blair à une guerre sans merci. On comprendra plus tard qu'ils s'aiment encore et se déchirent parce qu'ils n'ont plus d'autres moyens de s'entendre.

    Charles Bartholomew "Chuck" Bass is a cynical, world-weary, handsome and suave, Chuck has no qualms about living life on the edge. The childhood best friend of Nate, his reputation of womanizing and a patron of baser habits make them complete opposites. He is the only son of Bart Bass, and his mother is thought to be deceased (died in childbirth). Portrayed firstly as the 'bad boy' of the group, Chuck demonstrates a nicer side in the succeeding episodes when he lends Nate ,000 to get out of a shady poker game, falls in love with Blair, and acts as a surprisingly supportive stepbrother to Serena and her brother Eric. He and Blair finally become a couple towards the end of the first season, yet Chuck's insecurities and fear to let anyone close cause him to leave Blair waiting at the helipad on their supposed trip to Europe. During the second season, Chuck's activities revolve mainly around winning Blair back, realizing who he is and struggling with his devious nature, the death of his father, confronting his deviant uncle Jack Bass. Lily quickly then adopted him, legally making her his stepmother and guardian, to save B.I. from Jack. At the end of the second season, Chuck finally tells Blair that he loves her and the two share a romantic kiss. The third season starts with Chuck and Blair playing games to keep their relationship interesting, and Chuck then begins a new mission of making a name for himself and getting out of his father's corporate shadow. He finds his real biological mother, but is doubtful about her at first. She turns out to really be his mother, but lies and says she is not after she betrays him by being involved in a plot with his scheming uncle, Jack Bass, the details of which involve filing a lawsuit against Chuck and taking away the ownership of his hotel. Chuck makes a deal with Jack to trade ownership of the hotel for sex with Blair, then tricks her into going through with it. Jack reveals all to Blair, who breaks up with Chuck despite his insistence that she followed through of her own volition. They briefly reconcile at the season's end, and Chuck is about to propose when Dan reveals that Chuck has slept with Jenny. Blair, brokenhearted, tells him she never wants to speak to him again, and Chuck goes off on a bender around Prague and is shot in defense of her engagement ring. He is saved by Eva, a young French woman who briefly redeems his dark character until she is run out of town by a jealous Blair. Chuck vows revenge and begins to sabotage his former love at every turn, a plan which eventually falls apart and brings them back together. They separate for reasons of personal growth and agree to wait for each other, but Chuck begins a relationship with Raina Thorpe, as does Blair with Prince Louis. At news of Blair and Louis' engagement, Chuck blows up and smashes a window, harming Blair and showing his dark side and unstable side. His jealous side flares up often, such as when he publicly humiliated Dan Humphrey after hearing that Blair kissed him and said that it was "life changing".

    Gossip Girl

    Vanessa Abrams

    Vanessa arrive à New York en pleine année scolaire. Elle reprend tout de suite contact avec Dan Humphrey qui est son meilleur ami mais également le garçon qui était amoureux d'elle étant plus jeune. Vanessa pense reprendre facilement sa place dans le coeur de Dan mais c'est sans compter sur Serena Van Der Woodsen qui est la nouvelle petite amie de Dan, issue des quartiers chic. Acceptant finalement la relation de Dan et Serena, Vanessa reste à Brooklyn où elle jongle entre son job de serveuse et d'aide à la galerie d'art de Rufus Humphrey, le père de Dan. C'est par le biais de son meilleur ami qu'elle rencontre Nathaniel Archibald. C'est un des meilleurs partis de Manhattan. Nate et Vanessa se rapproche au cours d'une sortie un soir (épisode 15) et finissent par sortir ensemble sous l'oeil réprobateur de Dan et de Blair Waldorf l'ex petite amie de Nate. Cependant leur relation prendra court dès la fin de la saison. On ne sait pas vraiment pourquoi si ce n'est des problèmes concernant leur milieux sociaux. Nate étant de l'Upper East Side et Vanessa de Brooklyn. Dans cette saison, Vanessa commence à se mêler à un milieu encore inconnu pour elle, elle devient amie avec Serena, complote avec Blair contre Chuck Bass et sort avec Nate. Elle reste cependant encore très proche de sa banlieue et des gens qui y vivent, les Humphrey étant comme une seconde famille pour elle.

     Vanessa Marigold Abrams is the childhood best friend of Dan Humphrey. Prior to Dan's relationship with Serena, she and Dan were inseparable, and the two developed a mutual attraction that was dashed when she moved to Vermont. A year later, she returned to move in with her big sister, just as Dan was trying to make things work out with Serena. Despite her continued attraction to Dan, she backed off when she saw that Dan genuinely loved Serena. Later, she strikes up a relationship with Nate Archibald but they break up before the summer and resume by the time it's over. Unlike most of the cast, Vanessa is home-schooled having been raised by outgoing parents whom scorn modern society, and thus has the free time to man a café she added to Rufus's art gallery during his summer absence. After many complications with Nate, ranging from his summer fling with Catherine Mason and subsequent troubles, his sudden relationship with Jenny and his return to the Vanderbilt family circle, their relationship ends when Nate and Blair get back together. Nate's one-time favor of her applying to college has led her to attend NYU. A the start of Season 3, Vanessa then embarks on a relationship with Scott Rosson that ends when she is forced to let him go because of the damage it could do to Rufus and Lily's relationship. She later begins an one-again, off-again relationship with Dan. In Season 4, Vanessa's relationship with Dan is jeopardized when she learns that Dan may have resumed his feelings for Serena, and may be the father of Georgina's baby. Forever considering herself an outsider to the scandalous high society life, she befriends Juliet Sharp as they plot (along with Jenny) the takedown of Serena. Alienating herself from Dan because of her one-time alliance with Juliet, she is ousted by her friends and shunned socially. Ultimately by the end of Season 4, she decides to leave Manhattan and everything—including Dan—behind and start a new life studying abroad in Barcelona, Spain. But before she does, she steals a rough draft copy of Dan's book and shows it to a publisher who offers Vanessa money for the book (with Dan's name remaining annymous). Vanessa says that the author will come forward after the book is published, however she asks the publisher to send her the money to her new residence in Barcelona, where she claims she will pass it on to Dan.

    Gossip Girl

    Lily van der Woodsen

    Lily van der Woodsen est la mère de Serena Van Der Woodsen et d'Eric Van Der Woodsen. Elle a été mariée plusieurs fois, dont une avec le père de ses enfants. Elle fait partie de la haute société new-yorkaise. Elle cultive l'art du luxe. Issue d'une famille aisée, elle a été amoureuse par le passé de Rufus Humphrey, mais sa mère lui imposa de choisir entre celui-ci et son héritage. Cette relation a laissé chez Lily comme chez Rufus, un goût d'inachevé. Ils se retrouvent quelques années plus tard car leurs enfants, Serena et Dan, sortent ensemble. Ils ont d'abord du mal à reprendre contact. Puis, leur attirance étant la plus forte, ils se revoient progressivement, d'abord en amis - Lily entretient en effet une relation avec Bart Bass, le père de Chuck Bass. Peu à peu, l'ambiguïté se renforce entre eux deux, et lorsque Bart la demande en mariage, elle accepte mais regrette ensuite profondément son acte. Elle revient alors aux côtés de Rufus mais Serena le comprend et demande à sa mère de ne pas entamer d'histoire avec Rufus car cela compliquerait énormément sa propre relation avec Dan, le fils de Rufus. Après avoir cédé à sa mère, Lily cède à sa fille. Elle finit par accepter l'idée de se marier avec Bart. La veille de la cérémonie, Rufus la rejoint et lui demande d'annuler le mariage. Elle ne promet rien mais passe tout de même la nuit avec lui. Le lendemain, elle épouse Bart Bass. Rufus, quant à lui, part en tournée avec son groupe.Par ailleurs, au temps de sa relation avec Rufus, Lily, beaucoup moins conventionnelle qu'aujourd'hui, était passionnée de photographie. La relation de Serena et Dan n'est pas sans lui rappeler sa propre relation avec Rufus. Si elle a du mal à l'accepter au début, elle devient de plus en plus compréhensive, d'autant que ses propres blessures sont encore très présentes.Après la mort de Bart Bass, Lily épouse Rufus Humphrey, et s'appelle donc actuellement Lily Humphrey. Rufus découvrira que Lily a eu un enfant de lui lorsqu'elle était jeune : Scott Rosson, qu'elle a abandonné.

    Lillian Celia "Lily" Humphrey (née Rhodes; formerly van der Woodsen and Bass) was born on August 7, 1967 to Celia "CeCe" Rhodes. Lily is the multiple-divorced, ex-ballerina, and socialite mother of Serena and Eric van der Woodsen, biological son of Scott Rosson and stepmother of Dan and Jenny Humphrey. Lily has an older sister, Carol Rhodes, and a niece named Charlotte "Charlie". Lillian has a colored history as a former groupie of Dan and Jenny's father, Rufus, that she would rather not acknowledge. Her previous marriage before Rufus Humphrey, was to Bart Bass. Before Bart Bass, she was divorced from Dr. William van der Woodsen. Despite her constant concern for appearances and status in high society, it can be assumed that she lived as indulgently as Serena during her wild child years. Her similarity to Serena can especially be seen when she cries and is unable to make any decisions, both of which are behaviors commonly seen in Serena. It is revealed she was also institutionalized at 19 much like her son Eric. It was later revealed that it was not because of a suicide attempt, but because she was pregnant with Rufus's child. The son she gave up, Scott (born in 1986), came to New York to find them. Rufus and Lily returned to New York, and became a couple. The character is portrayed by Brittany Snow in flashback sequences. She adopts Chuck Bass in the second season after Bart's death. In the last episode of the second season, Lily and Rufus became engaged and married in the fifth episode of the third season. In season 4, Lily becomes a "grandmother" from Georgina and Dan. Dan and Georgina name the baby Milo Humphrey. It was revealed that Lily had put Ben Donovan in jail for having an "affair" with Serena, which was the current rumor at Serena's school in Connecticut. As revealed in the flashback sequences, her father was a music producer, she was raised in Montecito, California.

    Gossip Girl

    Rufus Humphrey

    Père de Dan et Jenny Humphrey. C'est une ancienne star du rock. Propriétaire d'une galerie d'art, il élève ses deux enfants seul, sa femme l'ayant laissé pour avoir une liaison avec un autre. Il se retrouve quelque temps pour finir par divorcer. Rufus a pour amour de jeunesse la mère de Serena : Lily van der Woodsen. Se fréquentant mais sans jamais vouloir avouer leur sentiment respectif, il finisse après multiples péripéties par se marrier. Rufus apprend également qu'il a un 3ème enfant avec Lily : fils qu'elle a abandonné dans sa jeunesse et dont elle a gardé le secret pendant très longtemps.

    Rufus Humphrey is a former rock star whose marriage has fallen apart, he is also an owner of a fledging art gallery. Determined to give his children a quality education, he enrolled them at private day schools which lead him to bump heads more than once with his former flame, Lily van der Woodsen. He got a divorce from his wife, Alison Humphrey who was having an affair with a man named Alex. He has difficulty, as a single parent, managing his growing children, in particular the strong-willed Jenny, and often enlists Lily's aid. Although he and Lily attempted to rekindle their old relationship prior to Lily's marriage, she ultimate chose to remain friends with Rufus and to marry Bart Bass. After Bart's death, the pair rekindle their romance when they search for their son. In the last episode of season two Lily and Rufus became engaged and married in the fifth episode of season three. In season four, Rufus doesn't believe Georgina, when she says that she and Dan have a son, Milo Humphrey. In the season four “Double Identity” episode, Rufus finds Milo’s ID bracelet, which says that Milo has a different blood type than Dan.

    Gossip Girl

    Eric van der Woodsen

    Eric Van Der Woodsen est le frère de Serena Van Der Woodsen et le fils de Lily Van Der Woodsen. Sa mère étant mariée avec Bart Bass, celui-ci devint son beau père et Charles "Chuck" Bass son "demi frère". Il est ami avec Jenny Humphrey. Eric a tenté de se suicider et est allé en maison psychiatrique. Par la suite, il apprendra que sa mère est elle même allée en maison psychiatrique quand elle avait 19 ans. Dans la série télévisée, Eric est homosexuel et le premier à le savoir est Chuck qui, malgré les apparences, va l'aider à faire son coming out. Dans la saison 1, il est avec Asher mais celui-ci refusant d'admettre son homosexualité, le quittera. Dans la saison 2, il sortira avec Jonathan.

    Eric van der Woodsen is the troubled younger brother of Serena and heir to the Van Der Woodsen fortune, his suicide attempt becomes the catalyst for Serena's homecoming. Revealed his homosexuality later on in season one to everyone, after his boyfriend Asher pretends to have a relationship with Jenny Humphrey. His friendship with Jenny is repaired after she apologizes in the beginning of the second season. They soon become best friends through the second season. This once again falls apart during Season 3 after Jenny accepts her role as Queen Bee but soon, Eric makes amends with her after Serena's accident. He then begins to date Jonathan Whitney but their relationship falls apart due to Eric's once obsessive need to "teach Jenny a lesson". In the next season, he begins dating a bisexual named Elliot.

    Gossip Girl

    Georgina Sparks

    La série télévisée la présente comme cruelle et manipulatrice et aussi comme une adepte des drogues (on apprend dans la saison 1 qu’elle a vendu son cheval de course pour s’acheter de la drogue). Dans la série télévisée elle serait née le 8 novembre 1990 (on peut lire sa date de naissance sur un certificat dans le premier épisode de la saison 4 en observant attentivement le papier).

    Georgina Sparks is a girl from Serena's past who returns to New York City in the final episodes of season one after escaping rehab in Utah. Before that, she was supposed to be at an Equestrian circuit but sold her show pony for cocaine, prompting her parents to send her to rehab. Her sudden return causes Serena to relapse to her old habits and even fixes Serena's drink which causes to wake up late for her SATs. After Serena asks that she leave Manhattan but Georgina refuses, blackmailing Serena and now determined to ruin her life. Georgina persuades Dan to almost sleep with her but this leads to a confrontation with Serena. Blair, taking matters into her own hands informs her parents of her location, persuades Dan to make Georgina fall for Blair's trap and is sent to a reform school recommended by Blair herself. She reappears late in the second season where Georgina is at a church camp and appears to be a completely reformed "saved" Christian. That is, until Blair persuades her to help them in a plot to take down Poppy. After which, Georgina went back to her old scheming ways. At the end of the 2nd season, she is about to attend NYU and requests Blair as her roommate. She reappears in the first few episodes of the third season and surprises Blair Waldorf when she shows up as her lovely roommate. After her relationship with Dan is once again thwarted, followed by blackmailing Vanessa and ruining Rufus and Lily's wedding, she gets tricked and sent away with a Russian prince, a plan to get rid of her set by Blair and with the assistance of Dorota, by exhiling her to Europe. At the end of Season 3, after a long absence, Georgina returns to New York City from her enforced exile in Belarus disguised by wearing a blonde wig and a large coat, desperately seeking the help of various Upper-East Siders with her "problem". It is revealed that Georgina is pregnant with what she says is Dan's child. A son that they named Milo. At the start of Season 4, she runs off again, leaving Dan with their son but it is later revealed that he is not the father, just another one of Georgina's schemes. Georgina takes Milo back when Dan signs the birth certificate, ending her manipulative plot and leaves Dan. Georgina later returns at the very end of Season 4 for the Constance Billiard alumni event in hopes of stirring up drama. She reveals to Serena and others in attendance that she is currently living in Bedford, New York, and is married to a young Wall Street stockbroker intern, and is outright bored with her current lifestyle of being a stay-at-home-mother for her son Milo. Georgina accidently learns the secret behind Serena's cousin Charlie and informs her to keep in touch.

    Gossip Girl

    Eleanor Waldorf

    Elle est la mère de Blair. Elle est une designer reconnue internationalement. Elle embauche Jenny, comme "petite main" pendant un temps avant de la renvoyer por s'être mal comportée. Elle est marriée à Cyrus Rose.

    Eleanor Waldorf-Rose is the impassive, fashion designer mother of Blair Waldorf. Her decades-long marriage to Blair's father, Harold Waldorf, ended when Harold left her to pursue a relationship with a French male model, Roman. It is implied through flashbacks that Eleanor knew about Harold's bisexuality. Her clothing line 'Eleanor Waldorf Designs' is being distributed by Barney's and Bendel's. She also has a rivalry with Marc Jacobs and once employed Jenny as an overworked intern. Her relationship with Blair is strained, but Jenny tells Blair that Eleanor loves Blair "in her own way".

    Gossip Girl

    Dorota Kishlovsky

    Elle est la bonne de Blair. Elle est très gentille, serviable et aime énormément Blair. Elle est marrié avec le portier des Van Der Woodsen et a eu un enfant avec lui.

    Dorota Kishlovsky is the Waldorf's Polish housekeeper and who cares deeply for Blair. Despite often snapping at her in numerous episodes, Blair is shown to see Dorota as a stand in mother figure. In the web-series "Chasing Dorota", it is revealed that Dorota is actually a Polish countess with a secret husband, Stanisław. She fled to America to flee her family and began working for the Waldorf family in 2004. She eventually divorces her husband and is currently engaged to Vanya, the Russian doorman at the van der Woodsens' apartment building. In "The Treasure of Serena Madre" she is revealed to be pregnant with Vanya's child and in "The Unblairable Lightness of Being" she and Vanya get married. She gives birth to a daughter (Anastasia) in the season finale, and she and Vanya move into an apartment in Queens, bought for them by Cyrus.

    Galerie photos/photos gallery

    Gossip Girl

    Gossip Girl

    Gossip Girl

    Gossip Girl

    Gossip Girl

    Gossip Girl

    Gossip Girl

    Gossip Girl

    Gossip Girl


     Musique d'opening/opening theme


    Toutes les informations ont été prises du site Wikipedia : http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gossip_Girl_%28s%C3%A9rie_t%C3%A9l%C3%A9vis%C3%A9e%29 / All the informations come from the website Wikipedia : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gossip_Girl_%28TV_series%29

    Bien à vous/until next time


    33 commentaires
  • C'est l'automne ! (2 billets dans la même journée, mazette !)

    Cela résume correctement le total...

    Bah oui deux billets dans la même journée mais cette fois-ci pour du look et des fringues ! Mes premiers amours de toujours !

    Well yeah 2 posts in a row, the same day, but this time for some look and clothe ! My first and ever love !

    C'est l'automne ! (2 billets dans la même journée, mazette !)

    C'est l'automne ! (2 billets dans la même journée, mazette !)

    C'est l'automne ! (2 billets dans la même journée, mazette !)

    C'est l'automne ! (2 billets dans la même journée, mazette !)

    C'est l'automne ! (2 billets dans la même journée, mazette !)

    C'est l'automne ! (2 billets dans la même journée, mazette !)

    C'est l'automne ! (2 billets dans la même journée, mazette !)

    C'est l'automne ! (2 billets dans la même journée, mazette !)

    C'est l'automne ! (2 billets dans la même journée, mazette !)

    C'est l'automne ! (2 billets dans la même journée, mazette !)

    C'est l'automne ! (2 billets dans la même journée, mazette !)

    C'est l'automne ! (2 billets dans la même journée, mazette !)

    C'est l'automne ! (2 billets dans la même journée, mazette !)

    C'est l'automne ! (2 billets dans la même journée, mazette !)

    C'est l'automne ! (2 billets dans la même journée, mazette !)

    C'est l'automne ! (2 billets dans la même journée, mazette !)


    Vêtements : robe noire H&M, leggings dentelle Dorothy Perkins, trench feuille d'automne Noa Noa

    Accessoires : boucles d'oreilles vintage, bracelet doré "vintage", écharpe tube jaune à fleurs H&M, collier plume & camé H&M, sac en cuir marron Linda Kayan, sac argenté et doré H&M

    Chaussures : bottines en cuir Next

    Vernis : Shocking red OPI sur mains

    Clothe :   H&M black dress, Dorothy Perkins lace leggings, Noa Noa fall leaf trench

    Accessorize : vintage earrings, gold bracelet "vintage", H&M yellow with flowers scarf, H&M feathers & camé necklace, Linda Kayan brown leather bag, H&M silver & gold bag

    Shoes : Next black leather biker boots

    Nail polish : Opi "shocking red" nailpolish  

    Bien à vous/until next time


    votre commentaire
  • Le retour des vacances...

    Digne d'un tableau de maître...

    Je suis revenue de vacance la semaine dernière. J'ai passé 10 jours fabuleux en Espagne, dans une ville nommée Jàvea (Xàbia en Valencien) situé au nord de la côte de la province d'Alicante, dans la comarque de la Marina Alta. Dans le même coin on peut trouver les villes de Dénia, Teulada et bien entendu Alicante. Comment décrire mes vacances ? Fabuleuses ? Oui se serait le mot exact. Mer, plage, parc aquatique, chaleur, nourriture délicieuse, bonne humeur, des gens sympas... Bref le tableau parfait (d'ou la photo d'entrée vous l'aurez compris !).

     I came back from the holidays last week. I spent 10 fabulous days in Spain, in a city called Jàvea (Xàbia in Valencien) located on the north coast of Alicante province, near la Maria Alta. In the same area you can find the cities of Dénia, Teulada and of course Alicante. How to describe my holidays ? Fabulous ? Yes that would be the perfect word. Sea, beach, water park, heat, great food, wonderful atmosphere, nice people... The perfection indeed !

    Le retour des vacances...

    Le retour des vacances...

    Le retour des vacances...

    Le retour des vacances...

    Le retour des vacances...

    Le retour des vacances...

    Le retour des vacances...

    Le retour des vacances...

    Le retour des vacances...

    Le retour des vacances...

    Le retour des vacances...

    Le retour des vacances...

    Le retour des vacances...

    Le retour des vacances...

    Le retour des vacances...

    Le retour des vacances...

    Le retour des vacances...

    Le retour des vacances...

    Le retour des vacances...

    Le retour des vacances...

    Le retour des vacances...

    Le retour des vacances...

    Le retour des vacances...

    Le retour des vacances...

    Le retour des vacances...

    Le retour des vacances...

    Le retour des vacances...

    Le retour des vacances...

    Le retour des vacances...

    Le retour des vacances...

    Le retour des vacances...

    Le retour des vacances...

    Le retour des vacances...

    Le retour des vacances...

    Le retour des vacances...


    Bien à vous/until next time


    votre commentaire
  • Ce que j'aime #3

    Jeux de jambe !

    Ahem le dieu Asos a encore frappé... C'est dingue comment le service marketing/communication a les moyens pour nous attirer, nous les curves girls ! Vraiment ça doit très intéressant ce brainstorming constant... Bon, bon je m'égare là ! Je disais donc que les nouveautés chez Asos Curve me font beaucoup d'oeil, mais également une certaine paire de chaussure de chez Jeffrey Campbell (va être dure à assumer, je vous donne un indice je fais 1m80...) et puis quelques petites choses chez Sandro, Vanessa Bruno et bien sûr des bijoux ! Je vous montre tout cela ?

     Ahem Asos God has striken again... It's amazing how the marketing/communication department have the means to appeal us curvettes ! Seriously it must be very interesting all this brainstorming... Now, now I'm losing myself ! I was saying that the new in at Asos Curve are calling me, but also a certain pair of shoes from Jeffrey Campbell (they are going to be hard to wear, I'll give you a clue I'm 5.11...) and also some things from Sandro, Vanessa Bruno and of course jewelries ! Wanna see ?


    Ce que j'aime #3

    ASOS CURVE Bow Collar Knitted Dress

    Ce que j'aime #3

    ASOS CURVE 70s Fit and Flare Coat

    Ce que j'aime #3

    ASOS CURVE Cropped Kickflare Trousers

    Ce que j'aime #3

    ASOS CURVE Midi Pussybow Dress

    Ce que j'aime #3

    ASOS Curve Exclusive Playsuit With Fluted Sleeve

    Accessoires /Accessorize

    Ce que j'aime #3

    ASOS CURVE Metallic Metal Keeper Super Skinny Belt

    Ce que j'aime #3

    ASOS Premium Oversized Sleeve Wrap Around Scarf

    Ce que j'aime #3

    Catarzi Exclusive To Asos Feather Trim Large Fedora Hat

    Ce que j'aime #3

    Vanessa Bruno mini tweed bag

    Ce que j'aime #3

    Vanessa Bruno hawai pattern bag




    Ce que j'aime #3

    Swarovski Black And Crystal Louise Ring

    Ce que j'aime #3

    Gogo Philip Egyptian Figure Bangle

    Ce que j'aime #3

    ASOS Skinny Cuff Bracelet With Studded Wrapped Cord Detail


    Ce que j'aime #3

    Vanessa Bruno pink leather boots

    Ce que j'aime #3

    ALDO Eppihimer Tasselled Wedge Shoe Boots

    Ce que j'aime #3

     Jeffrey Campbell elegant studs


    Ce que j'aime #3

    Jeffrey Campbell - Lita in Black Leather


    Bien à vous/until next time



    8 commentaires
  • Freedom to Liberty

    Free as a bird !

    On est vendredi !! Le pied ! Belle journée avec un magnifique soleil ! Comment bien finir la semaine : du soleil et l'annonce du weekend ! Un bonheur simple mais tellement appréciable ! J'étais un peu perplexe aujourd'hui avec ma robe : est-ce qu'elle allait rendre bien en photo ? Sa couleur est assez dure à capturer... Je sais pas, peut-être que c'est moi qui me fait des films et du bordel dans ma tête pour rien ! Cette robe c'est une trouvaille : achetée chez Gap, pendant les soldes, elle m'a coûté 14€ ! Oui 14€, autant dire une aubaine ! Gap en temps normal c'est cher, même très cher mais pendant les soldes on y fait de très bonnes affaires ! J'ai souvent acheté des fringues qui coûtaient une blinde et que j'ai payé un tiers du prix original ! Le petit plus de cette robe c'est l'ouverture dans le dos, personnellement j'assume pas surtout au bureau alors je porte mon dessous de robe orangé et j'aime ça pète bien !

     It's Friday !! Love it ! Veny nice day with a beautiful sun ! How to end a week : some sun and the up-coming weekend ! A simple joy but so much appreciated ! I wasn't quite sure about my dress : will it look nice on the photos ? Its colour is hard to put in aspects... I don't know, maybe it's me who is a bit nuts and making up things in my head ! This dress is a marvel : bought at Gap, during the sales, cost me 14€ ! Yes 14€, no need to say that was a bargain ! Gap is normally expensive, very expensive but during the sales you can get very good deals ! Many times, did I buy clothes that were very expensive for a fraction or their original price ! The cool thing about this dress is the opening on the back, but I can't for myself wear it, at work, without my cream/orange underslip : I like it, it rocks !


    Freedom to Liberty

    Freedom to Liberty

    Freedom to Liberty

    Freedom to Liberty

    Freedom to Liberty

    Freedom to Liberty

    Freedom to Liberty

    Freedom to Liberty

    Freedom to Liberty

    Freedom to Liberty

    Freedom to Liberty

    Freedom to Liberty

    Freedom to Liberty

    Freedom to Liberty

    Freedom to Liberty

    Freedom to Liberty

    Vêtements : Robe taupe Gap, dessous de robe orange Asos Curve

    Accessoires : boucles d'oreilles aile d'ange et perle bleu Six, bracelet doré "vintage", collier cadebas H&M, pochette noire H&M, montre blanche à pois rose Timex, bracelet effet cuir H&M

    Chaussures : sandales multicolores Les Tropéziennes

    Solaire : lunette de soleil Karl Lagerfeld

    Vernis : vernis craquelé H&M sur mains  

    Invité de marque : Anne-Sophie (12ème photo en partant du haut)

    Clothe :   Gap brownish dress, Asos Curve orange underslip

    Accessorize : Six angel wing and blue pearls earrings, gold bracelet "vintage", H&M padlock necklace, H&M black pouch, Timex whithe with pink dots watch, H&M faux leather bangle

    Shoes : Les Tropéziennes multicolore sandals

    Sunnies : Karl Lagerfeld sunglasses

    Nail polish : H&M cracked nailpolish on hands

    Guest star : featuring Anne-Sophie (12th photos starting from the top)


    Bien à vous/until next time


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